WWU 支援活動プロジェクト☆

This is a project for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Effort by WWU JSA. A pinwheel as a protagonist starts its journey to find "real value". This blog is for recording the progress of its journey.

WWU JSAによる東日本大震災の支援活動プロジェクト。

Sunday, March 11, 2012

8th Bond: 8つ目の出会い

The pinwheel met students on this day, and asked them what they value the most in their lives.

ともだち Friends

命 Life

友達の笑顔 Smiles of my friends

家族 Family

世界平和 World Peace



Besides these students, the pinwheel met total of 13 students on this day.
Let's see who it encounters next.

WWU Japanese Student Association

Friday, March 2, 2012

7th Bond: 7つ目の出会い

 It seems like the pinwheel came to visit a school in Bellevue.
 Let's see who the pinwheel encounters.

 "What do you value the most in your life?"

Friends: 友達


The pinwheel encountered a quite few students besides them on this day and found more values.

WWU Japanese Student Association

6th Bond: 6つ目の出会い

The pinwheel seems like it is visiting a family.
It then asked "What do you value the most in your life?"

Their answer was "Family"

Mom and dad are holding their arms to nurture their love to their kids. They are such a lovely and warm family.


The pinwheel received messages for Japan from them.

You can do it!

Besides  this family, there are many people in the world who are wishing for Japan to recover from the earthquake and Tsunami. The pinwheel is also going to collect the messages for Japan and post on this blog.

You can do it, Japan is one of the groups working of the Japan earthquake and tsunami in the U.S.

You can do it, Japanのように私たち以外にも震災の支援活動を行ってる団体もたくさんあります。

WWU Japanese Student Association

Little Break: 旅の休憩

It seems like the pinwheel is resting at the Starbucks now.


WWU Japanese Student Association

5th Bond Cont: 5つ目の出会いの続き

The pinwheel encountered 13 people during this visit and it asked them "What is the valuable principle in Shorinji Kempo?"

”Half for one's own happiness, and half for the happiness of others”

They explained that we should persuade your happiness first then others' happiness next because if we can't ourselves happy, we can't  make other people happy. It is also important to constantly make our best efforts to bring happiness to people around us which makes it far different from egoism.
We need to think about ourselves first. 
What is your happiness? 
What do you value the most in your life?
Are you making efforts to reach/possess your valuable things?
By recognizing these things, we can establish ourselves which gives us ability to make our neighbors happy.


その答えは 「 半ばは自己の幸せを、半ばは他人の幸せを」



WWU Japanese Student Association

5th bond Cont: 5つ目の出会いの続き

  The pinwheel found more answers to the question of "What do you value the most in your life?"

理解: Understanding


 一期一会:A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

These are very thoughtful answers.
What do you think? Why do you think these people came up with these answers?

WWU Japanese Student Association

Thursday, February 23, 2012

4th Bond: 4つ目の出会い

The pinwheel seems like it visited a marshal art group.

Where is this place? What are they doing?  
What do they value the most in their lives?

Let's Ask!

He said "Shorinji Kempo, Good Time, Happy :)"
Oh, it seems like the pinwheel is at the Shorinji-Kempo practice and 
this boy likes shorinji-kempo a lot.

 He finds value in "Trust"

Anytime you face a problem, it is important to believe in your potential.
If you don't think you can overcome, the chances of success would disappear.
Believe in your self, that's the key for the successful future.
We can do this! Let's keep on working on this project to send our messages to Japan!


 「少林寺拳法、楽しい時間、幸せ」 と 「信」






「信」 とは「人」に「言」ったことに責任もって「行動」すること。

 WWU JSAはこのプロジェクトが人々の持っている素晴らしい考え方を多くの人に発信できるような架け橋の役を果たせればいいなと思います。

To be continued...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Little Break:休憩

It seems like the pinwheel is enjoying this nice weather today.
What a beautiful blue sky!



WWU Japanese Student Association

3rd Bond: 3つ目の出会い

The pinwheel met a girl and asked her "What do you value the most in your life?"

Her answer was "Family, My cats, and Now"

This moment only exists at this moment. After one second, it becomes past.
We should cherish time and chances we have now because once it becomes past, we can't retrieve it.
Let's utilize this moment by doing things we can do only now.
This Japan earthquake and tsunami relief effort means a lot because we do it now.






WWU Japanese Student Association

2nd Bond: 2つ目の出会い

The pinwheel met these two girls and asked them

"What do you value the most in your life?"

  "Dream, Family, Love and Fun"

"Loved ones, Passion, Hope and Family"

The pinwheel found more valuable things on this day.

Because we can dream, our imagination becomes infinity, making our lives more colorful.
Those who have their dreams and courage to pursue their dreams, shine like a sun.
Let's keep on dreaming and brighten our lives!

Passion is a source of energy to make actions. If you have passion, you can do anything. 

Do you have a dream?
Do you have the passion to realize your dream?


「夢、家族、愛、楽しみ」 & 「大切な人、情熱、希望、家族」だそうです。




WWU Japanese Student Association

Monday, February 20, 2012

1st Bond: 1つ目の出会い

The 1st encounter of the pinwheel was  international program director at WWU.

 "What do you value the most in your life?

His answer was "Family and my dog"

Families are irreplaceable presents in our lives that support us through thick and think.
We should cherish our family.

風車の最初の出会いはWWUのInternational Program Directorでした。




WWU Japanese Student Association

Starting a Journey of Pinwheel: 風車の旅の始まり

The pinwheel started its journey to find real values.

Let's watch where it goes and see what it finds during its journey.



WWU Japanese Student Association

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project Details

The purpose of this project is to find where people find real values.
We will ask people around a question, "What do you value the most in your life?" and collect various answers. By taking pictures and video clips of those answers, we will create a short independent film in the end.

Details about the Independent Film: "A journey of a Pinwheel"
It has been one year since the earthquake and tsunami tragedy that unexpectedly hit Japan March of 2011. A small pinwheell reflects the big events of that fateful day. The victims of this earthquake are not only the ones who lost their lives, but also the people who lost their family and friends, their homes, and their belongings. However, they still live their lives today with smiles on their faces. The pinwheel then sets out on a journey to answer his question of, “What do people value most in their lives?” Throughout his journey, he builds (kizuna) meaning bonds in Japanese with every person he encounters.

Our messages through the depiction of a pinwheel…
  • Alone pinwheel sitting in the corner of a room cannot spin itself. However, with the helping hand of someone else blowing onto the pinwheel, its true beauty can be enjoyed through the mixing colors of the wings when it spins. This pinwheel represents Japan. The helping hand? All the prayer and thoughts of those around the world. We hope to send our messages, thoughts, and prayers to those in Japan to get the pinwheel spinning again, to rebuild Japan into the nation it once was before this tragedy. The film begins with a pinwheel in the corner of a room, unable to spin and end with a shot of the pinwheel spinning thanks to the bonds he built with those he encountered on his journey.
  • While the pinwheel finds answers for the question of “What do you value the most?” we would like all the people who have been involved in this event to think about where their real values lie. Our hope is that instead of emphasizing values on possessing, participants will recognize that what is most important is priceless. We hope to utilize this event as an opportunity for everyone to take a moment to reflect on what is important in their lives. “Kizuna,” the theme of this event, may be an important piece to what we truly value. Our hope and goal of this event is to build kizuna, “bond,” that transcends the ocean and borders.

We will show this film in the fundraising event for Japan which will on Thursday, April 5th at Western Washington University.

Event Details
Date and Time:   Thursday, 5th April 2012 7:30 - 9:00 .Doors open at 7pm.
Venue:                  Western Washington University AH100
Contents:              Independent Films and Performances
Admission Fee:   Minimum $1 Donation at Door

100% of proceeds will be directly sent to community in Miyagi / Fukushima Prefectures in Japan


March 11th, 2011, many precious lives were lost in the Tohoku Earthquake.

Many lives, family, homes, memories, and hope...

In the midst of all the lost things, we, the Western Washington University Japanese Student Association, seek something, anything positive that we may be able to learn from such a tragedy.
This notion of, "What do can we learn?" founded our current project that we call, the Kizuna Project.

This Kizuna project is a part of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Effort and is our journey to realize the answer to this question. In order to do this, we ask those around us, "What do you value the most in your life?" We hope to find our own answers by listening and seeing others' answers.

Valuable Things

In the initial stages of our project, we attempted to answer this question ourselves.
So, where do our values lie?
In life?
In family?
In a lifestyle with leisure?

We know that there is no right or wrong answer to such abstract questions, and also find that there is an infinitely diverse variety of answers.

An underlying theme we found, though, is that these values are something that many may take for granted in everyday lives, almost just expecting them to always be there; least thinking about when these values might be taken away or lost.

It is expected that we have a life to live.
It is expected that we have a family that supports us.
It is expected that we, in a middle/upper-class society, have a life of leisure to live with cell phones, computers, TVs, etc.

But, many of these things we expect to exist in our lives were lost in the earthquake and the people of Japan we forced to realize where their true values lie.

Although we did not directly experience a loss from the Earthquake in Japan, we still wanted to take this as an opportunity to reflect upon our own lives.
There IS something we can learn from this incident.
There IS something that we can gain amidst all the loss.
We believe that one of those things to gain is the recognition of the real values that may be taken for granted or forgotten in our every day life.

By utilizing this opportunity, we are able to cherish our object of value if we already possess them.
By utilizing this opportunity, we are able to work harder to obtain our object of value is we don't possess them yet.

This project started with a simple question and has now evolved into what is changing our lives.
Through this effort, we hope that you may reflect upon your own life and perhaps affect your life in the same way.

Now, please follow us on our journey with the pinwheel to find where people's true values lie.
暖かな応援 よろしくお願いします。



「あなたにとって価値のあるものはなんですか?」 といろんな人に聞いて回り、その質問の答えを集めていきます。そして、その答えを写真と動画撮影し、最終的には自主制作映画を作ります。

自主制作の映画の詳細: 「風車の一人旅」

  •  部屋の片隅に飾ってある風車は自分1人では回ることはできません。しかし、誰かが風を吹かせてあげれば、風車は回りだします。このプロジェクトでは風車を日本に例え、世界中からの“復興を願う気持ち”が風となり風車を動かす力になるということを表現しています。旅で出会う人達と築いてきた絆は羽を動かす風となり、風車が回り始めてフィルムは終わります。
  •  風車が「価値のあるものはなんだろう」という問の答えを探すと同時に、このイベントに参加してくださる全員の方に“価値“について今一度見なおしてほしい。貨幣経済の波に飲まれて、貨幣の価値に囚われがちだけれども、お金では手に入れられない物に価値はあるはず。このイベントを通して、皆さんに自分にとって何が大切なのかを改めて考える機会になってほしいと思っています。このイベントのテーマの「絆」もその価値の1つだと思っています。そんな海も国境も超える絆を築いていこうという想いがこのフィルムには込められています。

そして、このフィルムを4月5日(木)にWestwen Washington Universityで行うイベントで公開します。

日時:  4月5日(木) 19時~
場所:  Western Washington University, AH100
516 High St Bellingham, WA 98225
内容:  自主制作映画&ダンスや歌のパフォーマンス
入場料: 最低$1の寄付金



この絆プロジェクトは東日本大震災の支援活動の一貫としてWestern Washington UniversityのJapanese Student Associationが中心となり始めた活動です。















暖かな応援 よろしくお願いします。

Western Washington University
Japanese Student Association