WWU 支援活動プロジェクト☆

This is a project for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Effort by WWU JSA. A pinwheel as a protagonist starts its journey to find "real value". This blog is for recording the progress of its journey.

WWU JSAによる東日本大震災の支援活動プロジェクト。

Friday, March 2, 2012

5th Bond Cont: 5つ目の出会いの続き

The pinwheel encountered 13 people during this visit and it asked them "What is the valuable principle in Shorinji Kempo?"

”Half for one's own happiness, and half for the happiness of others”

They explained that we should persuade your happiness first then others' happiness next because if we can't ourselves happy, we can't  make other people happy. It is also important to constantly make our best efforts to bring happiness to people around us which makes it far different from egoism.
We need to think about ourselves first. 
What is your happiness? 
What do you value the most in your life?
Are you making efforts to reach/possess your valuable things?
By recognizing these things, we can establish ourselves which gives us ability to make our neighbors happy.


その答えは 「 半ばは自己の幸せを、半ばは他人の幸せを」



WWU Japanese Student Association

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